The definition of "previous record" is a problem, e.g. the records in a form
can be filtered or ordered so that the previous row changes.
This code retrieves the value from the previous record in a form, and works
correctly even when the form is filtered or sorted differently. For example,
to show the value of a field called "MyField" in the previous row, add a
text box to your form with this controlsource:
=GetPreviousValue([Form], "MyField")
If that is not what you need, this article may help:
ACC2000: How to Compare a Field to a Field in a Prior Record
Function GetPreviousValue(frm As Form, strField As String) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Return the value from the previous row of the form.
'Keywords: PriorRow PreviousValue
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = frm.RecordsetClone
rs.Bookmark = frm.Bookmark
GetPreviousValue = rs(strField)
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 3021& Then 'No current record
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End If
GetPreviousValue = Null
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function