Using updated private assembly without recompiling primary project

  • Thread starter Thread starter bjako
  • Start date Start date


I have a main project which references a configuration library (dll)
say v1.0.1.1 when I update the configuration library and redeploy to
the /bin directory the system does not pick up this new version ever
unless I recompile the main project with a reference to the new

My understanding was that if I was not using 'Strong Names' which I
dont think I am then it should start servicing requests with the new
version at some point. However it seems to stay bound to the old
version even though that old version doesnt appear to exist on the
server any more.

I'm racking my brain and the newsgroups but can't seem to find an
answer to this one anywhere.

According to
"Versioning is done only on assemblies with strong names", does that
mean I should or shouldnt be using Strong-names if I want the newest
version to be picked up automatically?

Any help is SOO much appreciated. Ben.
bjako said:
I have a main project which references a configuration library (dll)
say v1.0.1.1 when I update the configuration library and redeploy to
the /bin directory the system does not pick up this new version ever
unless I recompile the main project with a reference to the new

My understanding was that if I was not using 'Strong Names' which I
dont think I am then it should start servicing requests with the new
version at some point. However it seems to stay bound to the old
version even though that old version doesnt appear to exist on the
server any more.

I'm racking my brain and the newsgroups but can't seem to find an
answer to this one anywhere.

According to
"Versioning is done only on assemblies with strong names", does that
mean I should or shouldnt be using Strong-names if I want the newest
version to be picked up automatically?

Any help is SOO much appreciated. Ben.

If your configuration library is in a different solution, i.e. your
reference to it is a "file reference" and not a "project reference", then
this is probably going to be the case. There is a property on the reference
(in Solution Explorer) called "Copy Local" which might be getting in your
way. The build of your main project is what re-copies the referenced DLL
and updates it.

Best Regards,

Thanks for the feedback, I've created a new project (Class Library)
under the main solution. I've tried with Copy Local as True and False
but see no difference. Its only when I recompile the main project,
that references the library, that it uses the newer version.

The reason I'm trying to do this is the main project is the same for
all customers (say 30) but the class library contains configuration
information unique to each customer. So if I change the config library
and send an update out to all 30 customers we dont want to have to do
30 builds on the main project and send it out.
