Using unmanaged C++ in C++.NET

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I am novice in C++ and am more of a C# guy. I have a third party C++
code which I want to create and use as a managed assembly. I have
created a .NET win32 application and have copied this C++ code here and
made changes according to my needs. However I am always getting this
linker error when compiling. I looked a lot n the web and followed all
instructions so far of adding msvcrt.lib, glu32.lib, opengl32.lib to
the project dependencies. The error description is below. Any help is
highly appreciated.

TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liEndDocument(void *,struct LanguageIDListT *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liAnalyzeDocumentText(void *,char *,unsigned int,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liStartDocument(void *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liSetCharacterSetFlags(void *,enum BooleanT,enum
BooleanT,enum BooleanT,enum BooleanT,enum BooleanT,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liOpenLanguage(void *,char *,char *,int *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(void *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void *
__stdcall liCreateLanguageIdentifier(unsigned long,unsigned long,long
*)" (?liCreateLanguageIdentifier@@$$FYGPAXKKPAJ@Z)
: fatal error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals

I am using the following code in my header file:

// TestProjDll.h

#pragma once

using namespace System;
#include "stdlib.h"

#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"

namespace TestProjDll

#ifndef __LANGUAGE_ID_
#define __LANGUAGE_ID_

#include <stdlib.h>

//#define __LEXTEK_MACINTOSH__
//#define __LEXTEK_SOLARIS__
//#define __LEXTEK_LINUX32__
//#define __LEXTEK_BEOS__
//#define __LEXTEK_BORLAND__

# define WinStuff
# define FuncType

# define FuncType __export __stdcall
# endif
# define WinStuff

# define FuncType __stdcall
# define WinStuff __declspec(dllexport)
# endif

# define FuncType
# define WinStuff

#ifdef __LEXTEK_LINUX32__
# define FuncType
# define WinStuff

#ifdef __LEXTEK_BEOS__
# define FuncType
# define WinStuff

typedef void * LextekLanguageIdentiferT;
typedef unsigned long ULongT;
typedef long int StatusCodeT;

#ifndef __BOOLEANT__
#define __BOOLEANT__
typedef enum {
BooleanTrue = 1,
BooleanFalse = 0
} BooleanT;

typedef long StatusCodeT;


// Note, the error code values have been brought in line with the
// code values from other Lextek products. This is the reason why the
// values are not sequential.

const long eNoError = 0; // NoError;
const long eNoMemory = -1; // Not enough memory
const long eReading = -3; // Error reading from file
const long eWriting = -4; // Error writing to file
const long eSeeking = -5; // We were not able to seek
where we wanted
const long eFileNotFound = -6; // Not able to find the file
const long eOpeningFile = -11;// Can't open the file specified
const long eGeneralError = -37; // Beats me what the error is
const long eLibraryTimedOut = -39; // This library has timed out.
Contact Support ([email protected])
const long eInvalidPasscode = -42; // An invalid license passcode
was entered. Recheck passcode or contact Lextek International
( for a valid passcode.


#define UNICODE_FLAG_BIG_ENDIAN (0x00000001)
#define UNICODE_FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN (0x00000002)
#define UNICODE_FLAG_UTF8 (0x00000004)
#define UNICODE_FLAG_UTF7 (0x00000008) // Not supported.
#define UNICODE_FLAG_UTF75 (0x00000010) // Not supported.

struct LanguageIdentificationT {
char LanguageIDString[80];
int LanguageIDNum;
unsigned int UnicodeFlags;
float Weight;

struct LanguageIDListT {
BooleanT LanguageFound;
LanguageIdentificationT Language[4];
int LanguageIDCount;

WinStuff LextekLanguageIdentiferT FuncType
liCreateLanguageIdentifier(ULongT Passcode1, ULongT Passcode2,
StatusCodeT *Status);
WinStuff void FuncType
liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(LextekLanguageIdentiferT LanguageIdentifer,
StatusCodeT *Status);
WinStuff void FuncType liSetCharacterSetFlags(LextekLanguageIdentiferT
LanguageIdentifer, BooleanT TestUnicodeBigEndianFlag, BooleanT
TestUnicodeLittleEndianFlag, BooleanT TestUTF8Flag, BooleanT
Check8BitCharSets, BooleanT CheckMultiByteCharSets, StatusCodeT

WinStuff void FuncType liOpenLanguage(LextekLanguageIdentiferT
LanguageIdentifer, char *FileName, char *LangIDString, int *LangIDNum,
StatusCodeT *Status);
WinStuff void FuncType liCloseLanguage(LextekLanguageIdentiferT
LanguageIdentifer, char *LanguageName, int LangIDNum, StatusCodeT

WinStuff void FuncType liStartDocument(LextekLanguageIdentiferT
LanguageIdentifer, StatusCodeT *Status);
//WinStuff void FuncType
liAnalyzeDocumentText(LextekLanguageIdentiferT LanguageIdentifer, char
*Text, size_t NumCharacters, size_t CharacterSize, StatusCodeT
WinStuff void FuncType liAnalyzeDocumentText(LextekLanguageIdentiferT
LanguageIdentifer, char *Text, size_t NumBytes, StatusCodeT *Status);
WinStuff void FuncType liEndDocument(LextekLanguageIdentiferT
LanguageIdentifer, LanguageIDListT* IDList, StatusCodeT *Status);


public __gc class Class1
// TODO: Add your methods for this class here.
int identLG(char *SampleText)
StatusCodeT Status = eNoError;
LextekLanguageIdentiferT LanguageIdentifier = NULL;
LanguageIDListT LanguageIDList;
char LanguageIDString[80];
int LanguageIDNum;

LanguageIdentifier = liCreateLanguageIdentifier(0x7F8BC654,
0x54A43ADD, &Status);
if(LanguageIdentifier == NULL) {
return -1;

if(Status < 0) {
liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(LanguageIdentifier, &Status);
return -1;

"language_modules\\english_8bit.lid", LanguageIDString, &LanguageIDNum,
"language_modules\\french_8bit.lid", LanguageIDString, &LanguageIDNum,

BooleanFalse, // Test For Unicode Big Endian Text Flag
BooleanFalse, // Test For Unicode Little Endian Text Flag
BooleanFalse, // Test For Unicode UTF-8 Text Flag
BooleanTrue, // Test 8 Bit Character Sets.
BooleanFalse, // Test Multibyte Character Sets.

liStartDocument(LanguageIdentifier, &Status);
if(Status < 0) {
liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(LanguageIdentifier, &Status);
return -1;

liAnalyzeDocumentText(LanguageIdentifier, (char *) SampleText,
strlen(SampleText), &Status);
if(Status < 0) {
liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(LanguageIdentifier, &Status);
return -1;

liEndDocument(LanguageIdentifier, &LanguageIDList, &Status);
if(Status < 0) {
liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(LanguageIdentifier, &Status);
return -1;

//return LanguageIDNum;
return 1;


Praveen Ojha

I am novice in C++ and am more of a C# guy. I have a third party C++
code which I want to create and use as a managed assembly. I have
created a .NET win32 application and have copied this C++ code here
made changes according to my needs. However I am always getting this
linker error when compiling. I looked a lot n the web and followed all
instructions so far of adding msvcrt.lib, glu32.lib, opengl32.lib to
the project dependencies. The error description is below. Any help is
highly appreciated.

TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liEndDocument(void *,struct LanguageIDListT *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liAnalyzeDocumentText(void *,char *,unsigned int,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liStartDocument(void *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liSetCharacterSetFlags(void *,enum BooleanT,enum
BooleanT,enum BooleanT,enum BooleanT,enum BooleanT,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liOpenLanguage(void *,char *,char *,int *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void
__stdcall liDeleteLanguageIdentifier(void *,long *)"
TestProjDll.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void *
__stdcall liCreateLanguageIdentifier(unsigned long,unsigned long,long
*)" (?liCreateLanguageIdentifier@@$$FYGPAXKKPAJ@Z)

You miss the source code file (or library) that defines the functions
liEndDocument, liAnalyzeDocument, etc... Isnt't that part of the Latex
library you seems to use?


Thanx for your response. It worked for me. I had to addd a reference to
the lib file of the external functionas and was not able to locate
where in project properties I could do that. Have got it resolved now.
Thanks for your help.

-Praveen Ojha