Rob Brookbanks
I have the following code in a list box. Basically, it populates a text box
with a suppliers ID number and the textbox is bound to an underlying table.
Private Sub ItemsListBox_AfterUpdate()
SupplierRefBox.Value = ItemsListBox.Column(4).Value
End Sub
When it triggers, I get the following error.
Object required
What am I doing wrong?
All I really want to do is populate a bound text box with the value from my
list box
I can do it with the bound column from the list box, but not the unbound it
with a suppliers ID number and the textbox is bound to an underlying table.
Private Sub ItemsListBox_AfterUpdate()
SupplierRefBox.Value = ItemsListBox.Column(4).Value
End Sub
When it triggers, I get the following error.
Object required
What am I doing wrong?
All I really want to do is populate a bound text box with the value from my
list box
I can do it with the bound column from the list box, but not the unbound it