Greg Willis
The Tooth Faerie periodically responds to letters from my daughter by
writing using a TTF font called "FairyScrollDisplay". The problem is
that the font contains alpha characters, but no numerals or punctuation
marks. It takes a lot of time to edit the document so that alpha
characters display in FairyScroll and other characters in another font,
such as Times New Roman.
Right now the document is composed in Times New Roman, 18 pts. I created
a style called "fairy" using "FairyScrollDisplay" in 18 pts. The
document is then converted to FairyScroll by selecting individual blocks
of text and converting them to the "Fairy" style, leaving punctuation
and numerals intact in the Times New Roman font.
Is there a shortcut or workaround that will cut down on manual editing?
It would save the Tooth Faerie some sleepless nights spent editing
documents, and allow her to devote more time to building her castle with
all those teeth she is collecting!
Thanks in advance for any assistance,
The Tooth Faerie periodically responds to letters from my daughter by
writing using a TTF font called "FairyScrollDisplay". The problem is
that the font contains alpha characters, but no numerals or punctuation
marks. It takes a lot of time to edit the document so that alpha
characters display in FairyScroll and other characters in another font,
such as Times New Roman.
Right now the document is composed in Times New Roman, 18 pts. I created
a style called "fairy" using "FairyScrollDisplay" in 18 pts. The
document is then converted to FairyScroll by selecting individual blocks
of text and converting them to the "Fairy" style, leaving punctuation
and numerals intact in the Times New Roman font.
Is there a shortcut or workaround that will cut down on manual editing?
It would save the Tooth Faerie some sleepless nights spent editing
documents, and allow her to devote more time to building her castle with
all those teeth she is collecting!
Thanks in advance for any assistance,