Using the Tab or Enter key to navigate through a form

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZBC
  • Start date Start date


What determines the order of tabbing between the textboxes of a form?
.... and can it be changed?

The Enter key seems to have different effect in different boxes ... can
someone shed some light on this?

To read or set the order of tabbing, open the form in Design view, and
choose Tab Order from the View menu.

The focus will bypass a control if its TabStop property is No.

Text boxes has an EnterKeyBehavior property. By default, text boxes bound to
Memo fields get this property set to New Line In Field.

The settings under Tools | Options | Keyboard can also affect movement.
View | Tab Order when the form is open in design view allows you to set the
tab order. The default order is the order in which the controls were added
to the form.

Check the
ZBC said:
What determines the order of tabbing between the textboxes of a form?
... and can it be changed?

The Enter key seems to have different effect in different boxes ...
can someone shed some light on this?


The controls in each section of the form have a tab order, which is most
easily set by right-clicking the section and choosing "Tab Order..."
from the popup menu. You can also do it on a control-by-control basis
by setting the Tab Index property on the control's property sheet
("Other" tab).

The Enter key's behavior is controlled by the Enter Key Behavior
property, also on the "Other" tab of the property sheet, in conjunction
with the "Move after enter" setting from the Keyboard tab of the
Tools -> Options... dialog.
The initial tab order follows the order in which each control was added to
the form. There are a couple of ways to modify the tab order:

1. In the form's design view, right click in the upper left corner of the
form, just below the caption of the design view window. From the popup
menu, select Tab Order. You will be able to highlight controls and drag
them up or down in the order.

2. Look at the layout of your form and right-click on the control which you
want to be last in the tab order. Right click on it and select Properties
from the popup window. Click the 'Other' tab and locate the property named
'Tab Index'. Set it to 0. Leaving the properties window open, click on
the control which should be next-to-last in your desired order. Set it to
0. Repeat for each remaining control. Each successive assignment of a
control's tab index to 0 moves that control to the top of the order

On the 'Other' tab of the Properties sheet, you can also set the Enter Key
Behavior for each of your text box controls.
