Using the "F" keys



Does anyone know if the "F" keys have a default listing, or do you have to
program each one?


Maureen Goldman

Dave - Freedonia said:
They are 'programmed' be default.

Here is what I know each does:
F1 = Help
F2 = Rename file
F3 = Search
F5 = Refresh view in Windows Explorer

Alt-F4 = Close current program

F6 - address bar in IE.
F11 - full screen in IE (toggle)

Ronnie Vernon MVP

Squire said:
Does anyone know if the "F" keys have a default listing, or do you
have to program each one?


You'll find that some "F" keys initiate certain functions, but these
functions will change, depending on which program you are in at the time.
The website you referred to has a list of function key behaviors that are
apparently designed for MS Word and other similar type programs. These key
combinations will mostly not work outside of that particular program.

Laptops may also have default functions for these keys that only apply to
the particular brand of hardware.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

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