IF your schools web server has FP extensions installed on it...you should
Publish the site down to your machine so you have a valid working copy on
your machine.
Then you can edit and view it to your hearts content without messing with
the server.
All images that you intend to add to the web/site should first be resized,
optimized, etc, then Imported into your local FP web/site. THEN placed into
your design (from the imported file within FP). Then save the page and
Publish via
http://www.yourweb.com (org, edu, whatever).
Sounds like you are working with loose pages or without first actually
opening the web.
Yes, you can work with the live server too, but it's much safer working
locally and them Publishing to the server.
Copying to the server is not the same thing as Publishing.
| the template has all the schools logos and graphics already imbedded in it
| I'm opening FP to edit or add pages. if adding a new page I import the
| template then save it as a named web page
| the pages exist in front page after I save them I can create or edit as
| needed. but to see them with respect to the graphics on the templates I
| physically open the web sight.
| I'm working at home and publishing to the schools server.
| so I guess what going on is:
| I import the template page and renamed it for my website. I then add what
| need links photos etc and save it. than I copy to my folder on the server.
| I preview in FP I see everything I added. but to see how it looks in the
| template graphics I must open the web page and look. OK if I get it right
| first time. I just feel that I'm missing something and that I should be
| to veiw it as it actually looks on the website w/o opening the website and
| refreshing constantly.
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > What kind of standard templates?
| > Are you opening your FP web to edit it?
| > Do the pages you are editing exist within a FP web?
| > Are you working locally then Publishing to the server, or working live
| > the server?
| > Did you import the images into your FP web before placing them into the
| > design?
| >
| > | > |I tried that and no go. I can see my editing but it does not show it
| > | respect to the graphics that are part of the template
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > |
| > | > If you're editing locally, File | Preview in Browser.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > | I'm using my schools standard templates to create webpages. as i
| > or
| > | > | create new pages I have to update the website then go to it to
| > the
| > | > page
| > | > | fully as it appears with the template. is there a way I can
| > before
| > | > | posting from within FrontPage so that I can see all the aspects
| > the
| > | > | template?
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >