using System.Net and System.XML Question

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My XML knowledge is extreemly limited but learning not quite fast enough!

I am getting some XML back from the USPS web service as a string

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ZipCodeLookupResponse><Address ID="0"><Address2>6406 IVY

I create a System.Xml.XmlDocument and then load the string.

How do I access the value of "Address ID=" from within C# code using the

From one of my books I think this is an attribute but when I check it tells
me there are no attributes in the document.

Tom Groszko
My XML knowledge is extreemly limited but learning not quite fast enough!

I am getting some XML back from the USPS web service as a string

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ZipCodeLookupResponse><Address ID="0"><Address2>6406 IVY

I create a System.Xml.XmlDocument and then load the string.

How do I access the value of "Address ID=" from within C# code using the



My XML knowledge is extreemly limited but learning not quite fast enough!

I am getting some XML back from the USPS web service as a string

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ZipCodeLookupResponse><Address ID="0"><Address2>6406 IVY

I create a System.Xml.XmlDocument and then load the string.

How do I access the value of "Address ID=" from within C# code using the

From one of my books I think this is an attribute but when I check it
me there are no attributes in the document.

It's in VB, but you can do the same thing in C#.

This may help you too in the future.

I feel your pain. I am working on a C# Web service that is to make contact
with a 3rd party Web service to send/receive XML Documents.

I am learning more about XML than I ever cared to know. :)
I think I got the answer. The Address ID is an attribute of a node not the
document which I was originally checking.
Actually, the attribute is not "Address ID", it is only "ID"
associated with the node "Address". you can check the values like :
Address").Attributes["ID"].Value. and this will give you the value of
that attribute.

Yasir Zaheer.
Prajem pekný deň.
Potreboval by som vygenerovať funkciou Random
Äíslo do nejakej premennej. V praxi by som chcel
vytvoriÅ¥ nejaký príklad pre výpoÄet.
Nech som hľadal ako hľadal, ale niÄ som rozumné nenaÅ¡iel.
Nemáte nejaký slušný Netlink, kde by to bolo možné doštudovať?
Dik za pomoc.
S pozdravom Miloš
BELÃK MiloÅ¡ said:
Prajem pekný deň.
Potreboval by som vygenerovať funkciou Random
Äíslo do nejakej premennej. V praxi by som chcel
vytvoriÅ¥ nejaký príklad pre výpoÄet.
Nech som hľadal ako hľadal, ale niÄ som rozumné nenaÅ¡iel.
Nemáte nejaký slušný Netlink, kde by to bolo možné doštudovať?
Dik za pomoc.

You may get more responses if you try post in english.
