declare @Count int
select @Count = COUNT ( * ) FROM tblXUDUserShip
select FirstName,SurName,@Count AS BankaSayisi FROM tblXUDUserShip
I have a Stored Procedure Which Ends with these returns.
I Create a SqlDataAdapter with a sqlcommand with type stored procedure
I m using this SqlDataAdapter as like .Fill(DataSet);
How I Coult get The Output parameter "Count" from this adaptor when it is
Filling the dataset?
select @Count = COUNT ( * ) FROM tblXUDUserShip
select FirstName,SurName,@Count AS BankaSayisi FROM tblXUDUserShip
I have a Stored Procedure Which Ends with these returns.
I Create a SqlDataAdapter with a sqlcommand with type stored procedure
I m using this SqlDataAdapter as like .Fill(DataSet);
How I Coult get The Output parameter "Count" from this adaptor when it is
Filling the dataset?