-----Original Message-----
What's the current directory when you run the batch file from the
command line?
When testing the batch manually, I'm runnig it out of my
profile directory....c:\documents and settings\username
This works fine.
What did you specify in the scheduled task's "Start in:"
The default of c:\scedule
Are you logged in when the task runs? What happens if you right-click
the task and select "Run"?
After testing that I can run the batch manually
successfully. I kick off the scheduled task and monitor
the events that should happen. These events do not happen
and the scheduler shows the jobs as "running". I have to
stop them manually or the will run forever.
What does the Task Log file (SchedLgU.Txt)
tell you?
Which version of NT (5.0, 5.1, 5.2) are you running?
Under which
account is the task running?
I am using an acount with local admin privs. Everything
the batch is local to the machine, no network connectivity
is required. (I'm simply stopping and starting processes).
Does that account have a password which
complies with your system's password policies (non-blank, minimum
Even if it does, I found that a blank password, which is
allowed on my home box, will not work with scheduled
I am using a valid password.
As a side note, I did try using "call" which also works
manually but still does not work when run in the scheduled
task...exhibts the same behavior.
Thanks for your persistance in looking at this.