Using SQL vs Query Grid

  • Thread starter Thread starter Douglas
  • Start date Start date


I want to get the result of a count where I have to use an
inner join on two tables. In this example I want to
return CountOfStatus so I can tell if there are any
accounts not active before the entry will be allowed to
append to another table; ie the main table. Can you
please help me with the DoCmd.???? that would be used
here....I think. I do not want a DCount() on a query
created in the query tab. I want to do it with straight
code so it will be flexible and later I can change the
Entry table to Entry1 or Entry2 etc, depending on the
table I want to test, and just concatenate the string to
get my CountOfStatus result. Thank you very much for your

SELECT Count(ChartOfAccounts.Active) AS CountOfStatus
FROM ChartOfAccounts INNER JOIN Entry ON
(ChartOfAccounts.Co = Entry.Co) AND
(ChartOfAccounts.Account = Entry.Account)
WHERE (((ChartOfAccounts.Active)=0));
If it is a save ed query, then you can use:

Dim rstRecs As DAO.Recordset

Set rstRecs = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryAccountCount").OpenRecordset

If rstRecs.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox " accounts"
msgbox "no accounts"
End If

Set rstRecs = Nothing

So, the above assumes you saved the query in the query builder.

if you want to do the above code in-line, you can use:

Dim rstRecs As DAO.Recordset
dim strSql as string

strSql = "SELECT Count(ChartOfAccounts.Active) AS CountOfStatus " & _
"FROM ChartOfAccounts INNER JOIN Entry ON " & _
"(ChartOfAccounts.Co = Entry.Co) " & _
" AND " & _
"(ChartOfAccounts.Account = Entry.Account)"

set rstRecs = currentdb.OpenRecordSet(strSql)

If rstRecs.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox " accounts"
msgbox "no accounts"
End If

Set rstRecs = Nothing

Remember to both close and set the reocrdset to nothing when done...
Thank you very much. Now I get it. This will save me a
ton of time where I have had to make a new query for each
situation but now I can use variables for table names and
concatenate the variables in the string and make it much
more efficient. I really appreciate your help.