Using "Save As" with a file name selected by cell



I am trying to save a worksheet where the Save As dialog box appears so the
user can choose the location. I need the file name to be predefined from a
cell entry.

The following works by saving the file as "Data - (A1).xls" where A1 is a
variable but it saves in the current folder only. How can I use the Save As
dialog box so that the new file name appears by default and the user can then
select the location?

Sub SaveWithVariableFromCell()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim SaveName As String
SaveName = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Text
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="Data - " & SaveName & ".xls"
End Sub

Many thanks

Dave Peterson

So you want to allow the user to control the drive/folder, but you want to
specify the filename?

If yes, maybe just asking for the drive/folder would be better:

Jim Rech has a BrowseForFolder routine at:
(look for BrowseForFolder)

John Walkenbach has one at:

If you and all your users are running xl2002+, take a look at VBA's help for:

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