I have 12 identical Worksheets, each with a Text Box and Command Button
control for Finding clients in Column 2. I would like each Command Button to
activate the same code.
In the "Module" code window, I have the following -
Public Sub Find_Name(sht As Worksheet)
Dim sRange As Range, myRange As Range
Dim searchString As String
searchString = txtFind.Value
With sht
Set sRange = .UsedRange.Columns(2)
Set myRange = sRange.Find(searchString, LookIn:=xlValues,
' If found select matching cell
If Not myRange Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Found Match"
MsgBox "Name Not Found"
End If
End With
End Sub
In each Sheet code window I have the following, with the number representing
the Month.
' Worksheet for June
Private Sub cmdFind6_Click()
Find_Name ActiveSheet, txtFind6.Value
End Sub
I am not sure why this does not work. Please help.
I have 12 identical Worksheets, each with a Text Box and Command Button
control for Finding clients in Column 2. I would like each Command Button to
activate the same code.
In the "Module" code window, I have the following -
Public Sub Find_Name(sht As Worksheet)
Dim sRange As Range, myRange As Range
Dim searchString As String
searchString = txtFind.Value
With sht
Set sRange = .UsedRange.Columns(2)
Set myRange = sRange.Find(searchString, LookIn:=xlValues,
' If found select matching cell
If Not myRange Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Found Match"
MsgBox "Name Not Found"
End If
End With
End Sub
In each Sheet code window I have the following, with the number representing
the Month.
' Worksheet for June
Private Sub cmdFind6_Click()
Find_Name ActiveSheet, txtFind6.Value
End Sub
I am not sure why this does not work. Please help.