No, that wasn't it -- whatever it was the tech talked me through before
it led me directly to a brach of files names which I could check or
uncheck - once unchecked it was deleted.
It wasn't writing a Cmd.
Let me go back to the link and read up on that.
I thought I had the correct path from a former seacrh I did when my
computer could FIND the program - it seems it took it partially off -
but I cannot install a newer version until I get the old version off
completely. Thank you again.
Still got running water and lights in Russia I hope.
GREAT ANSWER and even more important Thank You for the link -- it's
like following breadcrumbs but the knowledge does accumulate. Thanks
again. Thankfuly this is nothing earth shattering but it does does put
a fire under me to seek the 'know how'. I'll keep you posted.
If the economy of The Soviet Union collapses overnight -- it wasn't me!
How do you use the 'Run' feature in the START menu in order to
remove a program that does NOT show up in the ADD/REMOVE list on the
Control Panel. I think I did it once long ago but have forgotten
the procedure. Can anyone help? Thanks
Do you mean the Del command?.
If so, try this:
You need to know the exact path of the application and write it down
to enter it in the Del command.
Open a run command and type in:
CMD.exe click [OK]
there on the command prompt type:
del c:\application
or del C:\Program Files\the application here
Del (erase)
Let us know.