Using Round function on French and US Win2k

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pallavi Singh
  • Start date Start date

Pallavi Singh

I have a date in a variant.
On win2k US when i see the values it shows 1076085062.623856.
On win2k French when i see the values it shows 1076085062,623856.

So the decimal is replaced by a comma in the french version of win2k.

i wonder if i use the round function will they produce the same result or
any one will give me an error or an unexpected result.
I have a US win2k version and cannot test this on the french version.

i.e. Can I use Round function for trimming values where the number format is
different ,for example "1234.5678" (US) and "1234,5678" (french)
Thanks in advance.

Since you're posting to "programming" and talk about a variant, I take it
you're talking about VBA. Well, I'm a bit surprised there is this
difference; I thought VBA would always adopt the US convention, like it does
for dates.
But I don'y think you need to worry; most international issues are handled
correctly by Excel, which keeps formulas, data and formats in a
language-independent internal notation.
Exceptions are where those characteristics are in literals, like in format
strings for the TEXT() function, the INDIRECT() function if you apply R1C1
reference style, etc.


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel