I'm using System.Reflection utility to load and execute a user written
DLL routine. This has worked well before.
I wrote two .NET DLLs. The first (let's call it DLL1) has a public
class (C1) with a public function (F1).
The second DLL also has a public class with a public function (DLL2, C2
and F2). The second DLL references the first. It creates an instance
of the first DLL class and executes the function.
But when I call dynamically using the Reflaction utility it fails. The
primary exception message is :
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
The more detailed inner exception is :
"File or assembly name DLL1, or one of its dependencies, was not
Any idea why it can't find the referenced DLL, even though it is right
there in the same folder as the DLL begin invoked?
Mike Buchanan
DLL routine. This has worked well before.
I wrote two .NET DLLs. The first (let's call it DLL1) has a public
class (C1) with a public function (F1).
The second DLL also has a public class with a public function (DLL2, C2
and F2). The second DLL references the first. It creates an instance
of the first DLL class and executes the function.
DLL it brings the first DLL along as a required component.From a test program everything works great. When I build the second
But when I call dynamically using the Reflaction utility it fails. The
primary exception message is :
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
The more detailed inner exception is :
"File or assembly name DLL1, or one of its dependencies, was not
Any idea why it can't find the referenced DLL, even though it is right
there in the same folder as the DLL begin invoked?
Mike Buchanan