Is it possible to use a recursive function to loop through a recordset faster?
I have a table that I need to edit its contents after doing some calculation. The table has one field has an RawData field and a CalcData field. I open the recordset, exctract the RawData and after doing some calculations update the CalcData with the calculated data. In code I have something as follows.
dim rs as new ADODB.Recordset
dim cmdUpdate as new ADODB.Command
dim CalcValue as String
'Setup the Command
With cmdUpdate
.ActiveConnection = ConnStr
End With
'Setup the Recordset
With rs
.Open "select itemId from myTable", ConnStr, 1
Do While Not .EOF
calcValue = CalcFunction (.fields("itemId").value)
cmdUpdate.CommandText = "update myTable set calcData = '" & calcValue & "" where itemId = & .fields("itemId").value
End With
Hopefully is not too confusing what I'm trying to do. The code is pretty simple but it's not as fast as I would like it to be specially because the myTable has about 1.5 million records! Maybe there is a faster way to do this instead of using ADO? Is ADO.Net faster?
I have a table that I need to edit its contents after doing some calculation. The table has one field has an RawData field and a CalcData field. I open the recordset, exctract the RawData and after doing some calculations update the CalcData with the calculated data. In code I have something as follows.
dim rs as new ADODB.Recordset
dim cmdUpdate as new ADODB.Command
dim CalcValue as String
'Setup the Command
With cmdUpdate
.ActiveConnection = ConnStr
End With
'Setup the Recordset
With rs
.Open "select itemId from myTable", ConnStr, 1
Do While Not .EOF
calcValue = CalcFunction (.fields("itemId").value)
cmdUpdate.CommandText = "update myTable set calcData = '" & calcValue & "" where itemId = & .fields("itemId").value
End With
Hopefully is not too confusing what I'm trying to do. The code is pretty simple but it's not as fast as I would like it to be specially because the myTable has about 1.5 million records! Maybe there is a faster way to do this instead of using ADO? Is ADO.Net faster?