I have existing code that uses a simple timer to profile time spent in
various methods and log it to a file. I would like to replace the
simple timer with high performance counters "QueryPerformanceCounter"
Are there any drawbacks to using high performance timers in a logger
This actually brings up another point. Can logging information to a
file slow the application down significantly? Should production
applications have logging turned off? What type of routines are bad
candidates for logging data to a file. I.e. paint routines.
Should logging paint routines be turned off in production code?
Maybe I should change the subject to "Best Practices for logging data
in production applications". Sounds like a good book or at least a good
white paper.
Sorry for the morning ramble.
Quote for the day -- "Maybe i should blog this before I get flogged"
extern static int QueryPerformanceCounter(ref long perfCounter);
extern static int QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref long frequency
I have existing code that uses a simple timer to profile time spent in
various methods and log it to a file. I would like to replace the
simple timer with high performance counters "QueryPerformanceCounter"
Are there any drawbacks to using high performance timers in a logger
This actually brings up another point. Can logging information to a
file slow the application down significantly? Should production
applications have logging turned off? What type of routines are bad
candidates for logging data to a file. I.e. paint routines.
Should logging paint routines be turned off in production code?
Maybe I should change the subject to "Best Practices for logging data
in production applications". Sounds like a good book or at least a good
white paper.
Sorry for the morning ramble.
Quote for the day -- "Maybe i should blog this before I get flogged"
extern static int QueryPerformanceCounter(ref long perfCounter);
extern static int QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref long frequency