Jason Sullivan
G'day Cary
You can catch any hotfix downloads if you go to the
windows update site and select the downloads you want.
As the downloads come across look for a folder under the
larger of your disks partitons called WUTEMP.
Once the download section of the windows update process is
finished and the install starts quickly copy out all the
folders from WUTEMP to say an empty folder on your
desktop. From there explore each folder and put the
executables into you main share folder and update your
script and youre back in business.
This is particularly nifty if you have various machine
types in your office with specific drivers. Once you get
RIS up and running you can create platform specific
Hope this helps
Jason Sullivan
You can catch any hotfix downloads if you go to the
windows update site and select the downloads you want.
As the downloads come across look for a folder under the
larger of your disks partitons called WUTEMP.
Once the download section of the windows update process is
finished and the install starts quickly copy out all the
folders from WUTEMP to say an empty folder on your
desktop. From there explore each folder and put the
executables into you main share folder and update your
script and youre back in business.
This is particularly nifty if you have various machine
types in your office with specific drivers. Once you get
RIS up and running you can create platform specific
Hope this helps
Jason Sullivan
-----Original Message-----
Howdy All!
I just wanted to bring this to people's attention...should
there still be a few of us who do not know about this ( I
just finally took a look yesterday! )
I have installed most of the HOTFIXES on a WIN2000 SP2
IE6SP1 system and on a WIN2000 SP3 IE6SP1 system by using
QCHAIN. All you do is download the hotfixes from
windowsupdate.microsoft.com by going to each one and
clicking on the read more... You will be taken to an
information page that will typically have a link to the
download. Not all fixes are available for download and
there are four that you can not deploy via this method (
javascript5.6, q330994, q818529, wm320920_64 - well, I
have not figured it out yet! ). Save those to a network
share. Remember to put QCHAIN in that shared folder.
Then, using Notepad, create a batch file ( call it
hotfixes.bat or whatever ). It should look like this:
set lc=\server\share\
%lc%q341025_w2k_sp4_x86_en.exe -z -m
%lc%q295123_w2k_sp4_x86_en.exe -z -m
%lc%qchain c:\qchainlogfile.txt
Save that batch file in the shared folder containing all
of the hotfixes and qchain.
Then, depending on how you want to deploy it, you *could*
go to each client machine and open up the command prompt
and enter \\server\share\hotfixes.bat....
After it has run simply restart the machine.
You need to do this using credentials that allow software
to be isntalled....
It is really a neat thing. I strongly suggest that
everyone take a look at it.
I am next going to look at the same thing only using RIS.
Simply create a folder called $OEM$. Make sure that you
change OEMPreinstall=No to OEMPreinstall=YES in
your "answer file". Put the individual files - along with
qchain.exe - in $OEM$. Create a CMDLINES.TXT file in the
$OEM$ folder with the first line being [COMMANDS] and then
list each file ( do not forget the opening " and the
closing " - it would look
like "q311409_w2k_sp4_x86_en.exe -z -m" ).
There you have it...