Don't use the commmand button wizard (or click Cancel when it appears).
-make sure the commandbutton is selected
-display its Properties (it's on the View menu if needed)
-click on the Other tab of the properties sheet and give the button a
convenient name (e.g. cmdOpenPDF1)
-click on the Format tab and set the Caption property to what you want
to show on the face of the button
-click on the Event tab of the Properties sheet
-click in the On Click text field and select [Event Procedure] from the
dropdown list.
Now click the [...] button next to the text field. This takes you to the
button's Click event procedure in the form's code module. This will look
like this:
Private Sub cmdOpenPDF1_Click()
End Sub
The Application.Hyperlink statement goes between those two lines.
I am not sure where to enter the file path name???
When I attempt to create a "Command Button" what Command Button Wizard
function do I choose???
If I need to bypass that wizard function and go directly to the Command
Button do I directly type the path as such
Application.FollowHyperlink "S:\_EmergencyStandby\GC Documentation\Emergency
Call Flow Charts\visio-fire call v1.pdf"
That is the exact file name??? Where does it need to be inserted???
Thanks in advance.....