the answer is, you don't do it. your table is not normalized, and you're
going to have a very difficult time working with it. you need to design your
table(s) correctly before you do anything else.
i would suggest a minimum of two tables:
MemberID (primary key)
First Name
Last Name
etc, etc, etc.
MemberID (from tblMembers)
use both fields to make the primary key.
set the table relationship, it should be one-to-many, as in "one member may
have many skills".
you may want to create a formal list of skills. this prevents data entry
typos ("plumber" and "plumer"), and prevents entry of skills you don't care
about ("knitting", "origami"). if so, keep the above tblMembers as is, scrap
the second one, and add the two following:
MemberID (from tblMembers)
SkillID (from tblSkills)
use both fields to make the primary key.
as a newbie, i strongly urge you to read up on table normalization and
relationships (between tables, not people <g>) before you proceed. if your
table/relationships are built correctly, the rest will be a thousand times
easier to do, *and the opposite is true as well.*
below is an except of a post from an Access MVP - that's Access guru to you
and the rest of us non-gurus - that will get you started in that direction.
also suggest you buy a good how-to text if you haven't already. Microsoft
Access (specific version) Bible from IDG Books is one, and there are others.
You're using a relational database. Use it relationally! For some
online tutorials in doing so, here are a few refs:
ACC2002: Database Normalization Basics
Database Normalization Tips by Luke Chung
Data Normalization Fundamentals by Luke Chung
324613 - Support WebCast: Database Normalization Basics
John W. Vinson[MVP]
Come for live chats every Tuesday and Thursday
slowandgo said:
I am trying to set up a query to extract data based on a parameter. To
give you some background, the database is going to be used as a Club
membership system. In one of the fields they will enter data into a field I
called skills. For example: plumber, carpenter, electrician and so forth.
If a person has multiple skills it will be entered in this one field,
defined as text. The problem is if the user of this system wants to look
for a specific skill, it could be anywhere in this field. How can I do it.
I have not worked with Access that long and I have volunteered to do this
database. Can someone help me.