Using Outlook with Lotus Notes R7

  • Thread starter Thread starter gregsedwards
  • Start date Start date


Good afternoon,

My company is a 99% Microsoft shop, running Windows XP and Office 2003, but
we use Lotus Notes instead of Outlook. For the past several years, we've been
running Lotus Notes R5, and I've been succesfully running the Microsoft-
provided Outlook Connector for IBM Lotus Domino. However, this past June, our
IT department decided it was time to move to R7. Since then, I've been
unsuccesful in getting my Lotus Notes email and calendar to display in
Outlook. Since our IT department won't support Outlook, I've been trying to
resolve the issue on my own. I've turned to this forum in hopes that some MVP
can diagnose my issue and suggest an alternative approach.

Here's what I've tried so far:

1. In the Control Panel's Mail window, I created a new profile named Outlook,
and added an email account to it.
2. On the Server Type page of the wizard, I selected "Additional Server
Types", and clicked Next.
3. In the Additional Server Types list, I selected Lotus Notes Mail (which,
BTW, only appeared after we moved to R7), and clicked Next and returned to
the Mail window.
4. I selected the option to always use the profile when starting Outlook and
closed the Mail window.
5. When I launched Outlook, the following message was displayed: "Unable to
open your default email folders. An unexpected error has occurred. MAPI was
unable to load the information service nwnsp.dll. Be sure the service is
correctly installed and configured."
6. I clicked OK and Outlook closed automatically.
7. I returned to the Control Panel's Mail window, and clicked Data Files. The
Data Files window displayed an entry for the Lotus Notes Message Store, and
the comments indicated its use as the "mail delivery location," but the
filename displayed "not available."
8. When I clicked Settings, the following message was displayed: "An unknown
error occurred, error code: 0x8004011c."
9. I removed the profile to start over.

I already had the Outlook Connector for IBM Lotus Domino installed.
Microsoft's Website says it's only for Lotus Notes version 5 or 6 (remember
that we're on 7), but I decided to give it a whirl anyway:

1. In the Control Panel's Mail window, I created a new profile named Outlook,
and added an email account to it.
2. On the Server Type page of the wizard, I selected "Additional Server
Types", and clicked Next.
3. In the Additional Server Types list, I selected Microsoft Office Outlook
Connector for IBM Lotus Domino, and clicked Next.
4. A configuration window appeared and seemed to find the server name
(CN=XXX/O=XXX) and ID file location (, so I clicked OK.
5. The Offline Folder File Settings window appeared and prompted me to create
an NST file, so I clicked OK to accept the filename provided.
6. The Enter Password window appeared to authenticate my Notes login, so I
entered my password and clicked OK.
7. I selected the option to always use the profile when starting Outlook and
closed the Mail window.
5. When I launched Outlook, the Configuration and Enter Password windows
appeared again. After entering my password, the following message was
displayed: "Unable to open your default email folders. The server is not
available. Contact your administrator if the condition persists."
6. I clicked OK and Outlook closed automatically.
7. I returned to the Control Panel's Mail window, and clicked Data Files. The
Data Files window displayed an entry for Microsoft Office Outlook for IBM
Lotus Domino, and the comments indicated its use as the "mail delivery
location," but the filename displayed "not available."
8. When I clicked Settings, the Configuration window appeared again, followed
by the Enter Password window, and the Offline Folder File Settings window.
Finally, the Data Files window would reappear, but the filename still
displayed "not available." No error message was displayed.
9. I removed the profile.

My question: is there a method (other than the $100+ connector sold by IBM)
that allows users to configure Outlook 2003 to serve as the client for a
Lotus Domino 7 environment. If so, please outline the process I should be
using. If you need more information, I'll be happy to provide it. Thanks!

- Greg