I know that MOOL costs $42, but gives me stuff I already have (namely,
Hotmail Plus and Outlook). BUt, how do I get the OCnnector when I have
MSN accoutn but it won't let me download the tool?
HTTP access is just email - it's not nearly as "rich" as using the
connector. It doesn't support calendar or calendar sharing or contacts.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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What if I already own Outlook 2003 and Hotmail Premium with the 2GB
space? Can I take advantage of the Outlook Live functionality
having to buy the subscription to Outlook 2003?
As long as you don't want your Hotmail account to be your delivery
location, you don't need the connector. Both Hotmail Plus and
Premium support access by Outlook.