Stephen Epstein
I've developed a set of queries developing the data for a report.
Eventually I'll write a macro to run them in sequence for end users'
convenience. Problem is this: Of the 6 queries used, 4 rely on the same
date range (e.g. transaction date between beginning_date and ending_date).
Is there a simple way to enter the beginning and ending dates one time and
pass the parameters to the selection criteria of all 4 queries so that the
macro won't ask 4 times for the same dates?
Eventually I'll write a macro to run them in sequence for end users'
convenience. Problem is this: Of the 6 queries used, 4 rely on the same
date range (e.g. transaction date between beginning_date and ending_date).
Is there a simple way to enter the beginning and ending dates one time and
pass the parameters to the selection criteria of all 4 queries so that the
macro won't ask 4 times for the same dates?