Using of "vote buttons" and sending e-mail to myself

Jun 2, 2009
Reaction score

I am writing an C++ COM add-in but problem described below is reproduced even when addin disabled.

Steps to reproduce:
- create a new e-mail message, fill it subject, set any of the voting options (for example "yes/no") and send messages to myself;
- receive this e-mail (in Outlook of course).

Received e-mail contain many Outlook-specific properties (means Named Properties from follow namespaces {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, {00062014-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} etc). If I send same e-mail but without voting options then these properties is much less.

When I looked to properties of sent e-mail then I began to think that received e-mail keeps a copy of same properties of sent e-mail.

It is important for me because my addin advise MailItem.SentItem event and set specific-for-me property to e-mail when it sent. However I expect that recived e-mail will not contain specific-for-me property.

There are any ideas? Please help!

PS: WinXP SP3, Outlook 2007.
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I found cause of this problem.

When I send message with "vote buttons" Outlook use TNEF format for this e-mail message. Actually such message contain many properties of sent e-mail in TNEF attachment.
When Outlook receive e-mail with TNEF attachment it unpack TNEF attachment and restore properties of sent message.

Knowing cause of problem is easy to find ways to correct it =)​

Some one note.

> send messages to myself
This is not a prerequisite.
If I use "vote buttons" then Outlook use TNEF to send e-mail message.
It is not depent on sender and recipients.