Using O.E. to view these groups

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Hi people,

Due to a computer problem I had to re-do my Outlook Express setup. In the
interium, I lost my access to these news groups via O.E.

Can someone please post the setup insturctions again?

Thanks in advance.

Richard Urban
Thank You fellas! Yes, open in your news reader is, indeed, shot down for
the time being.

I am back up and using O.E. Thanks again.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

"Shot down" must be a understatement, "syntax error" :)

One more "Dear Bill", please send a request to some MS department for
HMI errors.
Another non-working function is e-mail notification when an answer appears.
I received the e-mail. I clicked on the link to be taken to the response and
was directed to a general page because the link could not be found. Had to
go back manually to the web based viewer to see your answers.

This needs some Microsoft attention, I think. (-:


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Well, I can send up a phpBB forum to a webserver and everything works
within 15 minutes including SQL database. Also to create 6 groups and a

Then it takes 1 minute to change linked URL. ;)
That link is trying to open the group on the public newsserver. I could be
an optimist and say that must mean they intend to go public soon--but I
suspect it is a snafu.

Did you use the feedback link on that page?

I will, as well.

I have a sinking feeling that this one isn't easily resolved. The groups
require credentials when used via NNTP, and I'm not sure there's any way to
provide that via a simple URL link. The links as published make no
sense--they invoke MSNEWS with a .private group. Those groups live on

So--I don't know what they can do to fix this page--but I complained about
it via the feedback mechanism. My experience with these feedback links is
that they work pretty well--but if the first response isn't to the point,
you have to bump back and then you reach somebody who does know what to do.
This one may take several iterations, and I don't know how it'll come out.

Try this--when the email comes, and you have it open, hit alt-v, h to view
in HTML view.

Then click on the link.

That works for me.


I never answers any researchs or feedback links from MS.

They must have other software quality mechanisms to be sure
that basic funtions are working.

Test chart for MSAS antispyware web site, part newsgroups:

Click X > Nope

Click Y > Yes

Click Z > Nope

Rebuild at once !


Bill Sanderson explained on 2005-10-08 :
That'll change my weighting of your complaints some, then.

You don't like how it (doesn't!) work--but not enough to actually say
something about it to someone who can fix it?

So I need to do your legwork for you?

(You could say it was my legwork--but I'd never seen that page before you
published it, that I can recall anyway--thanks for bringing it to my
attention.) And, of course, I've no more obligation to fix a Microsoft
problem than you do.


This is basic functionality.............

I am sure you have the same opinion but are maybe more polite
and I am going to send in a request for this mess.

Basic functionality should be tested out from Microsoft personnel with
help from a basic test chart. A basic "Site Acceptance Test".
If important functions fails it must be rebuild or also to
inform about erros within this page.

This is about attitudes towards a customer from MS personal !

If MS responsible don´t understand this he must step down
and start to do something else.
I don't disagree. I do wonder whether the folks that put the page up are
behind a corporate firewall and can't, in fact, easily test it.

Still--no excuse for not doing so.

OK - got the first level response, which was equivocal:

"We will be forwarding your comments to the appropriate Microsoft group,
which will use your feedback when planning and evaluating future
enhancements. "

Escalated it to the manager named in the response--stating that I couldn't
tell from the response that the page would be fixed.

I did hear quite a bit about being customer-oriented in my last trip out
west. It was a major component of more than one of the executive
presentations--which impressed me. Microsoft is trying hard to directly
collect and act on customer feedback in some very significant ways---the
crash reports and OCA, Spynet--these are very real mechanisms that make
measurable differences in the products--even without buying a new
version--lots of crash type bugs are fixed as time goes on, in service
packs, etc.

Now I'll go read your links....
They are working on this--the single newsgroup link at the very bottom which
hit the wrong group has been fixed.

The web links still don't work.....

And today, not only to the web links on that page not work, but the main
link in Help, support newsgroups on the web--has been broken.

And at this point, that link has been fixed, but the mail received when a
response is made via the Web groups, has broken links in it.
