I am preparing excel worksheet. I have developed macro in that sheet. The
purpose of that macro is " When programmer finishes programming, runs macro
using shortut key. The result is that particular cell changes colour to
green and 1 gets typed in it. No problem with that. In addition to that I
have used NOW() function to get the particular date and time in the cell just
adjacent to it on right hand side. When Programmer finishes programming for
different jobs and try to update the worksheet for particularjob by running
macro, THE WHOLE WORKSHEET GETS UPDATED to current date and time, which is
actually a problem.
My question is How can I make NOW() to work so it just puts specific date
and time and doesn't update entire worksheet?
Instead I try to use Ctrl+(
and Ctrl +Shift+
) to get the specific date
and time.
The problem here is that "It is acting static and whenever I try to Update
the programming cell for a particular job it gives the previous date and
I will be thankful if somebody can give me solution to both these problems!!!
I am preparing excel worksheet. I have developed macro in that sheet. The
purpose of that macro is " When programmer finishes programming, runs macro
using shortut key. The result is that particular cell changes colour to
green and 1 gets typed in it. No problem with that. In addition to that I
have used NOW() function to get the particular date and time in the cell just
adjacent to it on right hand side. When Programmer finishes programming for
different jobs and try to update the worksheet for particularjob by running
macro, THE WHOLE WORKSHEET GETS UPDATED to current date and time, which is
actually a problem.
My question is How can I make NOW() to work so it just puts specific date
and time and doesn't update entire worksheet?
Instead I try to use Ctrl+(

and time.
The problem here is that "It is acting static and whenever I try to Update
the programming cell for a particular job it gives the previous date and
I will be thankful if somebody can give me solution to both these problems!!!