Using my database



Pretty soon I'll be using my database, and I want several users to work on my
database at the same time. How can I make the information entered in my
database from all these users to go to only one database if they would be
working in different computers but same database? or Do I need to create a
network? or should I use the copy and paste feature to transfer all the data
from the tables of these users once they finish working, and transfer to a
database in my computer?



To expand on Option 1, Use the DatabaseSplitter (Tools->Database
Utilities->Database Splitter). This will create two mdb files. One will be
the name of your current mdb and will contain all your forms, queries,
reports, modules, and macros. The other will be named the same as you curren
mdb with _be added to the name. This is all your tables, indexes, and

The common terminology is Front End (fe) and Back End (be), where the data is.

The be should be placed in a shared folder to which all users have access.
Each user should have their own copy of the fe on their computers.

Now, the tricky part. Once you have completed splitting the database, you
will need to look at the Linked Table Manager in the fe. This tells Access
where to look for the data. You will notice that the paths will be drive
specific, based on where you told the splitter to put the data. Since each
user may have different drive mappings to the same location, it is necessary
to relink to the data using UNC drive mapping so that all users will be
pointing to the same data. For example, instead of:

You will use the network name for the path:


Excellent, well written artical, Albert. I have been trying to get my (Bean
Counter) boss to accept this concept for a year and a half. I have not put
it together as clearly and concisely as your article. I have bookmarked this
article and will somehow force her to read it.


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