Hi Robert,.
In my opinion, it's not worth to spend time on the subject, since I needed
it to work in a firewalled environment aka GPRS. Msmq works over TCP/IP and
I truly believe the TCP/IP is the worst you can use in a wireless
environment. I don't feel like explaining it, would cost several a4's.
Anyhow if you REALLY want to do it here we go,
Imo it's a good practice to don't immediately go and do hard p/invoking but
i suggest you create an EVC (embedded visual c) project with simple calls.
the initial p/invoking isn't that hard..
look at these posts,... "first name" is me.
other msmq related posts,...
other related links:
Summary of MSMQ Functions on Windows CE
and last but not least,.. my abandoned project,.. forgive me for any bad
coding styles,.. he at least it get you started!!
Plz share your msmq code when ready with the opennetcf.org community,.. and
be so kind to remember me and give me a bit of credit as well...
Floris Briolas