Using MS Access in RDP

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We are testing running an MS Access 2000 database inside RDP
The application has a SQL Server backend

Part of it's functionality is to bring up a list of invoices in a subform
And then when they select an invoice and click a button, a TIFF group 4 multi-page image is displayed in a separate form and the user can next and previous through the image easily
The Access database works fine when run on it's own
(Images used in the application are stored on network drives, not inside SQL Server.

But put it inside RDP and when we display the image it goes crazy
* the whole form will flicker as though someone has their finger on the TAB key continuousl
* response is lous
* the buttons to move from one page of the image to next don't work

We've narrowed the issue down to being forms that contain subforms causing the problems
Sometimes, if we change the subform from displaying as a datasheet and instead display continous forms, it's fine. But that's temporary
And the problem doesn't start until we load some data in the subform. (That is, we can have the form and subform open with no data, and then use a dummy form to load the image and all is fine. It's once the subform gets data, that even loading from the dummy form causes the flicker.

If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it


Geoff Collishaw said:
We are testing running an MS Access 2000 database inside RDP.

What is RDP? Remote Desktop ??? As in Terminal Server?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Yes, Remote Desktop
It's all so that three remote users can get to our Access database although they are thousands of miles away

In the last few days I've replaced the image control with a demo version of ImageMan
But the quality of the image on-screen is poor and ImageMan won't display annotations that the image has

So, I'm now back to rewriting portions of the application without subforms to get around the problem.