I have a form which shows vehicle particulars, reg number, engine number,
cyclinder capacity, date purchase, date sorn, date sold, make (shown as a
combo box getting data from the make table), model,(shown as a combo box
getting data from that stores in model table), driver (shown as a combo box
getting data from the employee table).
On this form I want to show the current mileage for that partiular vehicle
currently being displayed. Registration Number is in Form Header.
Vehicle Mileage is saved as a separate table in my database and linked
through as a sub form.
Am I right in saying that I need to add a text box (from the form controls)
to the form and set the properties to show max mileage. but how do I use the
max function? to show the max mileage.
cyclinder capacity, date purchase, date sorn, date sold, make (shown as a
combo box getting data from the make table), model,(shown as a combo box
getting data from that stores in model table), driver (shown as a combo box
getting data from the employee table).
On this form I want to show the current mileage for that partiular vehicle
currently being displayed. Registration Number is in Form Header.
Vehicle Mileage is saved as a separate table in my database and linked
through as a sub form.
Am I right in saying that I need to add a text box (from the form controls)
to the form and set the properties to show max mileage. but how do I use the
max function? to show the max mileage.