Using Macros to compare data?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date



I would like to know whether it is possible to do something with the use of
a macro.

Could a macro be recorded (or written) that compares the data from a single
worksheet in one spreadsheet with the data in two worksheets on another

Let's assume all worksheets have the same column headings. One of these is
an End Date field, and another of these is a User ID field. What I want is
to compare the data in the first main spreadsheet with that in the second
spreadsheet so that if a row of data has the same User ID and if the End
Date recorded in the main spreadsheet is later than that recorded in one of
the other two worksheets on the second spreadsheet, then that data is copied
across to the second spreadsheet.

Basically, it takes us about three hours every week to go through and do
this manually, and I am thinking there has got to be a better way.

Any advice or suggestions would be most appreciated.


I think this will work for you. Make copies of your workbooks and test it
with them before committing things to your actual working copies.

Open up the 'master' workbook and press [Alt]+[F11] to enter the VB Editor.
In it, choose Insert and Module from the menu. Copy the code below and paste
it into the module presented to you. Then change the assigned values of the
Const values to match the names of the workbook, worksheets and columns
involved in your workbooks.

While still in the VB Editor use Debug and Compile Project from the menu and
make sure it compiles without error. If it does not, it probably means that
one of the lines of code got broken by posting it here. The error line will
be highlighted in yellow and if it doesn't end with a " _" it probably got
broken and you need to edit it so that the line below becomes part of the
indicated error line.

When it compiles without error, close the VB Editor, save the workbook, then
open the 'destination' book (the one with the 2 worksheets in it) and then
use Tools | Macro | Macros to run the macro. With a bit of luck, it should
work to completion properly for you.

Sub CompareAndUpdate()
'both workbooks must be open before
'running this macro

'change these Const values as required
Const src1stDataRow = 2 ' first row in this wb with data
Const dest1stDataRow = 2 ' first row in other sheets w/data
Const ID_Col = "A"
Const EndDate_Col = "B"
Const firstCol = "A" ' first column with data to compare
Const lastCol = "R" ' last column w/data to compare
'next is name of sheet in THIS workbook with
'master data on it
Const masterSheetName = "Sheet2"
'next is name of the other workbook
Const wb2Name = "OtherWorkbook.xls"
'thest are names of the two sheets in
'the other workbook to examine/update
Const wb2S1Name = "Sheet1"
Const wb2S2Name = "Sheet2"
'end of user definable Const values

Dim wb1ws As Worksheet ' source data sheet in this workbook
Dim srcLastRow As Long
Dim srcIDCell As Range
Dim srcDateCell As Range
Dim srcRange As Range
Dim srcRowPtr As Long

Dim wb2 As Workbook ' will 'be' other workbook
Dim wb2ws As Worksheet ' will be other worksheet(s)
Dim destLastRow As Long
Dim destIDCell As Range
Dim destDateCell As Range
Dim destRange As Range
Dim destRowPtr As Long

On Error Resume Next
Set wb2 = Workbooks(wb2Name)
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "You must also open workbook " & wb2Name & _
" before performing this operation.", vbOKOnly, _
"Workbook Unavailable"
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Set wb1ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(masterSheetName)
'use Rows.CountLarge if using Excel 2007
srcLastRow = wb1ws.Range(ID_Col & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

'set up to test first destination sheet in other book
Set wb2ws = wb2.Worksheets(wb2S1Name)
'again, use Rows.CountLarge if using Excel 2007
destLastRow = wb2ws.Range(ID_Col & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For srcRowPtr = src1stDataRow To srcLastRow
Set srcIDCell = wb1ws.Range(ID_Col & srcRowPtr)
Set srcDateCell = wb1ws.Range(EndDate_Col & srcRowPtr)
For destRowPtr = dest1stDataRow To destLastRow
Set destIDCell = wb2ws.Range(ID_Col & destRowPtr)
Set destDateCell = wb2ws.Range(EndDate_Col & destRowPtr)
'first, check if IDs match
If srcIDCell = destIDCell Then
'IDs match, check dates
If srcDateCell > destDateCell Then
'have to update this row's data
Set srcRange = wb1ws.Range(firstCol & srcRowPtr & _
":" & lastCol & srcRowPtr)
Set destRange = wb2ws.Range(firstCol & destRowPtr & _
":" & lastCol & destRowPtr)
'update the values
destRange.Value = srcRange.Value
End If ' date test
End If ' ID match test
Next ' end of dest sheet testing
Next ' end of source sheet testing

'set up to test first destination sheet in other book
Set wb2ws = wb2.Worksheets(wb2S2Name)
'again, use Rows.CountLarge if using Excel 2007
destLastRow = wb2ws.Range(ID_Col & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For srcRowPtr = src1stDataRow To srcLastRow
Set srcIDCell = wb1ws.Range(ID_Col & srcRowPtr)
Set srcDateCell = wb1ws.Range(EndDate_Col & srcRowPtr)
For destRowPtr = dest1stDataRow To destLastRow
Set destIDCell = wb2ws.Range(ID_Col & destRowPtr)
Set destDateCell = wb2ws.Range(EndDate_Col & destRowPtr)
'first, check if IDs match
If srcIDCell = destIDCell Then
'IDs match, check dates
If srcDateCell > destDateCell Then
'have to update this row's data
Set srcRange = wb1ws.Range(firstCol & srcRowPtr & _
":" & lastCol & srcRowPtr)
Set destRange = wb2ws.Range(firstCol & destRowPtr & _
":" & lastCol & destRowPtr)
'update the values
destRange.Value = srcRange.Value
End If ' date test
End If ' ID match test
Next ' end of dest sheet testing
Next ' end of source sheet testing
'release used resources
Set srcIDCell = Nothing
Set srcDateCell = Nothing
Set destIDCell = Nothing
Set destDateCell = Nothing
Set srcRange = Nothing
Set destRange = Nothing
Set wb1ws = Nothing
Set wb2ws = Nothing
Set wb2 = Nothing
End Sub