Jim Butcher
I am writing a program that automatically generates a
table if data exists. Later in the macro I have to delete
the table if it exists, so I have to check whether it
exists or not. The problem I have is when I check to see
if the table exists the function DoesObjectExist()works
correctly the first time but does not update when a table
is deleted on the second pass. It seems like it checks the
first time and whatever the status is, that is what the
status remains, regardless of the actual status of the
Below is the code I use to check the existence of the
Function DoesObjectExist(ObjectType$, ObjectName$)
On Error Resume Next
Dim FoundObject, FindObject As String, ObjectNum As Integer
Dim DB As Database, T As TableDef
Dim Q As QueryDef, C As Container
Dim Msg As String
FoundObject = -1
Set DB = DBEngine(0)(0)
Select Case ObjectType$
Case "Tables"
FindObject = DB.TableDefs(ObjectName$).Name
Case "Queries"
FindObject = DB.QueryDefs(ObjectName$).Name
Case Else
If ObjectType$ = "Forms" Then
ObjectNum = 1
ElseIf ObjectType$ = "Modules" Then
ObjectNum = 2
ElseIf ObjectType$ = "Reports" Then
ObjectNum = 4
ElseIf ObjectType$ = "Macros" Then
ObjectNum = 5
Msg = "Object Name """ & ObjectType & """ is an
Msg = Msg & " argument to function
MsgBox Msg, 16, "ObjectExists_20"
Exit Function
End If
Set C = DB.Containers(ObjectNum)
FindObject = C.Documents(ObjectName$).Name
End Select
If Err = 3265 Or FindObject = "" Then
FoundObject = 0
End If
DoesObjectExist = FoundObject
End Function
table if data exists. Later in the macro I have to delete
the table if it exists, so I have to check whether it
exists or not. The problem I have is when I check to see
if the table exists the function DoesObjectExist()works
correctly the first time but does not update when a table
is deleted on the second pass. It seems like it checks the
first time and whatever the status is, that is what the
status remains, regardless of the actual status of the
Below is the code I use to check the existence of the
Function DoesObjectExist(ObjectType$, ObjectName$)
On Error Resume Next
Dim FoundObject, FindObject As String, ObjectNum As Integer
Dim DB As Database, T As TableDef
Dim Q As QueryDef, C As Container
Dim Msg As String
FoundObject = -1
Set DB = DBEngine(0)(0)
Select Case ObjectType$
Case "Tables"
FindObject = DB.TableDefs(ObjectName$).Name
Case "Queries"
FindObject = DB.QueryDefs(ObjectName$).Name
Case Else
If ObjectType$ = "Forms" Then
ObjectNum = 1
ElseIf ObjectType$ = "Modules" Then
ObjectNum = 2
ElseIf ObjectType$ = "Reports" Then
ObjectNum = 4
ElseIf ObjectType$ = "Macros" Then
ObjectNum = 5
Msg = "Object Name """ & ObjectType & """ is an
Msg = Msg & " argument to function
MsgBox Msg, 16, "ObjectExists_20"
Exit Function
End If
Set C = DB.Containers(ObjectNum)
FindObject = C.Documents(ObjectName$).Name
End Select
If Err = 3265 Or FindObject = "" Then
FoundObject = 0
End If
DoesObjectExist = FoundObject
End Function