In order to provide certain functionality to my projects, I've been directed
to the Internet and come across code that has following format for function
and sub definitions declarations:
Private Declare Function myFunction Lib "xxx.yyy" Alias "myFunctionA"
(ByVal...) as ...
What does this do? I haven't been able to find this in any of my (relatively
beginner) Access programming books. My guess is that is passes parameters to
an existing Windows program ("xxx.yyy") for execution, but in order to use
the code I need to understand it better.
to the Internet and come across code that has following format for function
and sub definitions declarations:
Private Declare Function myFunction Lib "xxx.yyy" Alias "myFunctionA"
(ByVal...) as ...
What does this do? I haven't been able to find this in any of my (relatively
beginner) Access programming books. My guess is that is passes parameters to
an existing Windows program ("xxx.yyy") for execution, but in order to use
the code I need to understand it better.