With components like Financials, I'm sure there are equivalent (or
newer/better) versions that can be found for the rare occasions it's
RIGHT is very easy to replicate:
string test = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// Get the right most 10 chars
string right = test.Substring(test.Length - 10, 10));
It's not exactly much harder than using the RIGHT function, is it!
As to FileIO, .Net has a very rich set of features, and it's just a
case of learning the new syntax.
Rather than being 'something we should know', I think it should be seen
as 'something only to be used in an act of deperation, when all else
has failed, and you' can't be bothered to look for the correct
solution'! ;-)
I see you are an MCT - I hope you don't teach these techniques in your