Ben Samuals
Has anyone had trouble using the ifmember utility? I seem to be having
trouble with it recognizing group memberships.
Thx, L
trouble with it recognizing group memberships.
Thx, L
Ben Samuals said:Has anyone had trouble using the ifmember utility? I seem to be having
trouble with it recognizing group memberships.
Thx, L
Ben Samuals said:M, some groups it will detect a user id and others it won't. We have a group
called na\fla admins, it will detect my userid their. However, it will not
detect my userid in na\fla-eng...
ifmember "na\fla admins" ; this will list
group na\fla admins matches list...
Ben Samuals said:Mar, Here we go.
@echo off
ifmember na\FZRVEW-eng
if not errorlevel 1 goto end
echo Your in!
goto end
echo finished!
I am in the above group but it does not give the correct errorlevel. If I
substitute that group for another ie. fzrvew admins it will work...
handle nested memberships. With that you canJoe Richards said:Is your membership direct or is it nested, I don't believe ifmember will
try memberof from the free win32 tools page ofcheck the whomami /groups dump which will give you your token or you can