Using Help remotely

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roy Chastain
  • Start date Start date

Roy Chastain

I have a client program that is one touch installed and hosted on an IIS server.

My question is, what is the best way to provide user interface help to the client program.

Two ideas have come to mind.
1) - Let the client program download the .chm and reference it locally. This is probably a pain.
2) - Let the client do remote calls to the server to request the help and the server then returns the requested help info. Not
really sure exactly how I would make that work.

Since I am not sure that either of these ideas is really workable, there must be a third and correct way. Would someone please
enlighten me as to what it is?

Hello Roy,

Thanks for your post. I reviewed your description carefully, and now I'd
like to share the following information with you:

Based on my experience and research, I recommend you download the .chm file
locally and then reference it. I am not sure how you will access the .chm
file. If you use System.Windows.Forms.Help class to access a .chm file via
an http URL, it will also download it locally first. If you want to do
remote calls to to the server to request the help, you may need to create a
Web Service which contains a web method to read the .chm file and return
the requested help info.

Hope this helps.


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