Using formula results from one cell to be identified as a TAB Name in another formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter scottso2000
  • Start date Start date


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I have one cell that uses a Data Validation List drop down box. Th
list of drop down items is Tab Names for other worksheets in tha

I would like to take the results from the drop down and put that into
formula that would reference the tab selected.

Very Basic eg.

Valid Values:
Sheet1 $c$3 = "Blue"
Sheet2 $c$3 = "Green"
Sheet3 $c$3 = "Red"

Sheet4 Cell A2

Drop Down List: Sheet1

User select Sheet2 (the tab name)
Sheet4 Cell A3

=(User Selection results of A2) $c$3

I am trying to get the word Green in cell A3

Hi Scott
if your listbox result is in A2 use the following formula in A3
=INDIRECT("'" & A2 & "'!$C$3")
not the multiple apostrophes at the beginning (" ' ") and in the middle
(" ' !)
Thanks, works great. I am using this to do our activity based cos
model and based on the size, if/then statements and data reference
were getting out of control