Using Form to input multiple field to table at once

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In this simplified exampe, I have 2 tables

Table#1: Students with field <Name>

Table#2: Attendance with fields <Date> , <Name> and <Present/Absent> which
is a checkbox to be checked if present.

I would like to make a Form which generates a tabular list of all student
pulled from the "Students" table so that I can then click the check box next
to each students name that is present on a given day.

I would also like one input field on the form to input the date only once

Then, I would like to be able to click a button to have form update my
"Attendance" table with <Date>, <Name> for only those student names where the
checkbox was checked in the <Present/Absent> Field on the form

What is the best approach to accomplish this? Is it possible.

Access treats "Name", "Date" and other words as "reserved words". This
means that what Access thinks you're referring to and what you think you're
referring to may not match.

Pick different fieldnames.

Now, to your request ... "so that I can ... click the checkbox ... " What
checkbox? Unless you add it to a form in design, you won't have one. But
more importantly, how are you planning to relate "a given day" with each
student, so you can mark attendance for that student FOR THAT DAY?

Something seems missing ... before you pursue the Forms any further, make
sure your table structure is well-normalized. Access is optimized for
relational, well-normalized data. It all starts with the data.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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