Ken Dopierala Jr.
I have a collection that I use to keep track of bullets flying across
the screen in a game. Everytime through the foreach the m_Iterator internal
array keeps getting bigger and never seems to clear. I remove the bullets
when they go out of site and they do get removed from the collection because
the Count property only shows 4-5 bullets max. But the m_Iterator never
gets rid of them. Is there a workaround for this using the Collection
object? Has anyone else seen this? Thanks! Ken.
I have a collection that I use to keep track of bullets flying across
the screen in a game. Everytime through the foreach the m_Iterator internal
array keeps getting bigger and never seems to clear. I remove the bullets
when they go out of site and they do get removed from the collection because
the Count property only shows 4-5 bullets max. But the m_Iterator never
gets rid of them. Is there a workaround for this using the Collection
object? Has anyone else seen this? Thanks! Ken.