Using For-Each with a collection keeps increasing the size of m_iterator.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken Dopierala Jr.
  • Start date Start date

Ken Dopierala Jr.

I have a collection that I use to keep track of bullets flying across
the screen in a game. Everytime through the foreach the m_Iterator internal
array keeps getting bigger and never seems to clear. I remove the bullets
when they go out of site and they do get removed from the collection because
the Count property only shows 4-5 bullets max. But the m_Iterator never
gets rid of them. Is there a workaround for this using the Collection
object? Has anyone else seen this? Thanks! Ken.
Hi Ken,

We need some code, methinks.

The next post contains a 61K image (for those who want to avoid te

No, I'm not telling you - it's a surprise.;-)

I have a collection that I use to keep track of bullets flying across
the screen in a game. Everytime through the foreach the m_Iterator internal
array keeps getting bigger and never seems to clear. I remove the bullets
when they go out of site and they do get removed from the collection because
the Count property only shows 4-5 bullets max. But the m_Iterator never
gets rid of them. Is there a workaround for this using the Collection
object? Has anyone else seen this? Thanks! Ken.

Well without seeing code, I would guess your trying to remove elements
in the for each loop. You can't do that. A collection is read-only
when it is in a for each.

Tom Shelton
Ken Dopierala Jr. said:
I have a collection that I use to keep track of bullets flying
the screen in a game. Everytime through the foreach the m_Iterator
internal array keeps getting bigger and never seems to clear. I
remove the bullets when they go out of site and they do get removed
from the collection because the Count property only shows 4-5 bullets
max. But the m_Iterator never gets rid of them. Is there a
workaround for this using the Collection object? Has anyone else
seen this? Thanks! Ken.

Which VB version do you use?

Bug should've been fixed:
Fergus Cooney said:
Doh!! (a clue) - Except that I forgot to post it!!

Are you sure you have the rights to distribute the image in the groups?

Hi Tom,
It also happens in my target collection in which Remove is never called.
It is simply iterated through 70-110 times a second. I switched everything
over to an arraylist and that works good. Ken.
Hi Armin,
I read that before I posted. It seems that the bug was never fixed.
They must've been talking about VB.Net 2003 even though that message is very
old. Ken.