using Duane Hookom's Concatenate Module

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Jul 8, 2011
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Can Someone Please help.

I am using Duane Hookom's Concatenate Module.
I am using this right now in my query

CL-No:Concatenate("SELECT DISTINCT[ClosureWeldNo] FROM [Welds tbl] WHERE WorkOrderID =" & [Welds tbl].[WorkOrderID])
It Concatenates by the WorkOrder But I want It to Concatenate by DrawingNo and WorkOrder. (I may have up to 5 drawings in each WorkOrder).

I am not sure how to add this extra statement in by DrawingNo into this code.
What I was looking for was to add onto the Where statement to this
CL-No:Concatenate("SELECT DISTINCT[ClosureWeldNo] FROM [Welds tbl] WHERE WorkOrderID =" & [Welds tbl].[WorkOrderID])
After the WHERE WorkOrderID =" & [Welds tbl].[WorkOrderID])

I tried these and the syntax is not right
CL-No:Concatenate("SELECT DISTINCT[ClosureWeldNo] FROM [Welds tbl]DrawingNo =" & [Welds tbl].[DrawingNo])
CL-No:Concatenate("SELECT DISTINCT[ClosureWeldNo] FROM [Welds tbl]WorkOrderID & DrawingNo =" & [Welds tbl].[WorkOrderID] &[Welds tbl].[WorkOrderID])

The ID Is a Number and the DrawingNo Is Text

There is some way to write this and I am not sure how to.

Thanks BBryan
Hi there I am just a newbie here I wanted to help you with your problem but sad to say I dont have any idea on how to help you. Lets just hope someone will get here and gives you some tip on how to fix your problem.

Hi BBBryan and Michael22Orr welcome both to PC review, sorry I cannot help you BBBryan as I am only a non technical member but I am sure one of our professional members will be able to help
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