J. C. Clay
I'm a creating a dataView in the following manner:
VW_PRODMAIN = new DataView(ProdMain,"product_id='" + this.PRODUCT_ID +
"'" ,"product_id",DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
when I do it in this manner I do not get any records in my DataView.
If I hard code the product_id in
VW_PRODMAIN = new DataView(ProdMain,"product_id='03feeadf-5c53-43ee-96ef-a88cd8b2d022'"
the DataView is populated with one record.
Does anyone know why the example on top will not work
I am using a String to define this.PRODUCT_ID
When I query ?VW_PRODMAIN.RowFilter in the Debugger I get the same
result for both the above examples.
I've tried converting the PRODUCT_ID into type Guid but this hasn't
worked either.
-- J.C. Klay
VW_PRODMAIN = new DataView(ProdMain,"product_id='" + this.PRODUCT_ID +
"'" ,"product_id",DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
when I do it in this manner I do not get any records in my DataView.
If I hard code the product_id in
VW_PRODMAIN = new DataView(ProdMain,"product_id='03feeadf-5c53-43ee-96ef-a88cd8b2d022'"
the DataView is populated with one record.
Does anyone know why the example on top will not work
I am using a String to define this.PRODUCT_ID
When I query ?VW_PRODMAIN.RowFilter in the Debugger I get the same
result for both the above examples.
I've tried converting the PRODUCT_ID into type Guid but this hasn't
worked either.
-- J.C. Klay