I would like to use a stored procedure to insert records into a table in SQL Server using a datatable as the source, but I am not sure of the commands needed to do this. I have manually created two datatables with the same structure as two SQL Server tables, using VB .Net code, and have added them to a new dataset. I have set the constraints and relationships between the tables. One table is a customer table the other a category table. There is a one-to-many relationship between the two tables. I have populated the tables, so that the customer table has one record and the category table has 2 records. When I setup my parameters, I reference each row of the datatable individually, using tCustomerTable.Rows(0).Item, but using this approach I would have to loop through all rows of the datatable. Is there a way to pass the datatable as an object and have the dataadapter loop through the rows? Is there a better approach to this
Here is part of my code
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand = New SqlComman
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = "spInsertDetail
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Connection = sqlCon
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedur
'Instruct InsertCommand to use outparameter to update the datase
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.OutputParameter
Dim pCustId As SqlClient.SqlParamete
pCustId = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@customer_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4
pCustId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Outpu
Dim pCust_lname As New SqlParameter("@customer_lname", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "customer_lname", DataRowVersion.Current, tCustomerTable.Rows(0).Item("customer_lname")
Dim pCust_fname As New SqlParameter("@customer_fname", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "customer_fname", DataRowVersion.Current, tCustomerTable.Rows(0).Item("customer_fname")
Here is part of my code
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand = New SqlComman
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = "spInsertDetail
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Connection = sqlCon
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedur
'Instruct InsertCommand to use outparameter to update the datase
CustomerDataAdapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.OutputParameter
Dim pCustId As SqlClient.SqlParamete
pCustId = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@customer_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4
pCustId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Outpu
Dim pCust_lname As New SqlParameter("@customer_lname", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "customer_lname", DataRowVersion.Current, tCustomerTable.Rows(0).Item("customer_lname")
Dim pCust_fname As New SqlParameter("@customer_fname", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "customer_fname", DataRowVersion.Current, tCustomerTable.Rows(0).Item("customer_fname")