Steve Wolfie
Hello All:
First let me thank everyone on the forum(s) for all the great (and timely)
I am writing a help desk app in asp.net that allows people to input work
orders for IT. I used to use data adapters and datasets until someone here
helped me to realize the performance advantage of using data reader. It
works great for displaying the info, but i would like to add the ability to
pull the *number* of open and closed work orders for a particular user as
SELECT * FROM workorders WHERE extension = ('extension') and STATUS =
SELECT * FROM workorders WHERE extension = ('extension') and STATUS =
then i want the data reader to tell me how many rows were selected. I tried
things similar to;
While rdr.read()
a = a + 1
End While
labelOpenWorkOrders.text = a
and I also tried
while rdr.read()
a = a + 1
end while
labelOpenWorkOrders.text = a
It never returns the actual row count.
i also tried
labelOpenWorkOrders.text = rdr.recordsaffected -- but this is only for
insert, update, delete.
First let me thank everyone on the forum(s) for all the great (and timely)
I am writing a help desk app in asp.net that allows people to input work
orders for IT. I used to use data adapters and datasets until someone here
helped me to realize the performance advantage of using data reader. It
works great for displaying the info, but i would like to add the ability to
pull the *number* of open and closed work orders for a particular user as
SELECT * FROM workorders WHERE extension = ('extension') and STATUS =
SELECT * FROM workorders WHERE extension = ('extension') and STATUS =
then i want the data reader to tell me how many rows were selected. I tried
things similar to;
While rdr.read()
a = a + 1
End While
labelOpenWorkOrders.text = a
and I also tried
while rdr.read()
a = a + 1
end while
labelOpenWorkOrders.text = a
It never returns the actual row count.
i also tried
labelOpenWorkOrders.text = rdr.recordsaffected -- but this is only for
insert, update, delete.