I'm using a string connection, 'strDBPath = "S:\space2003.mdb"' I had no
errors when in the general declaration of the form and can confirm that it is
opening the database and running the query I am requesting it to. BUT I left
out rs.movelast, movefirst statements. SMALL over sight. I have it in a
module now and get a Rowset Does Not Support Fetching backward or Operation
not available Error if I rem it out. the code is below, I'm missing a step
Public NRTCC As ADODB.Connection
Private Sub cmbRoomList_Click()
On Error GoTo RoomListClickErr
Dim qryRoom As String
Dim RoomIDrs As ADODB.recordset
Dim i As Integer
' Set string path to DB
strDBPath = "\\bach\Center Space\space2003.mdb"
'opens connection
Set NRTCC = New ADODB.Connection
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Open strDBPath
End With
Set RoomIDrs = New ADODB.recordset
With RoomIDrs
.CursorType = AdOpenForwardOnly
.locktype = adLockReadOnly
.ActiveConnection = NRTCC
End With
' qryRoom declareation and execution
qryRoom = "select * from qryConfRooms"
RoomIDrs.Open qryRoom
' ****breaks at this point****
' Set combobox data source
For i = 0 To RoomIDrs.RecordCount - 1
cmbRoomList.AddItem RoomIDrs.Fields("fldBuilding" & "/"
& "fldRoom")
Next i
'basic errmessage
pstrMessage = "Cannot perform operation" & _
Chr(vbKeyReturn) & " Error # '" & _
Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
MsgBox pstrMessage, vbExclamation, _
"NRTCMS Property & Support Services - Database Error"
End Sub