I need to change the local admin password on multiple computers on my
network. I know I can use Cusrmgr.exe to do it, but most of my network
computers have the firewall enabled. Anyone know how I can bypass this?
Would it work using a script instead? I found this online;
sNewPassword = "testpassword"
Set oWshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
sComputer = oWshNet.ComputerName
On Error Resume Next
Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & "/Administrator,user")
oUser.ChangePassword "old pwd here", sNewPassword
On Error Goto 0
Not quite sure what I would need to change in it. I know I would need to
change testpassword, ComputerName, old pwd here, sNewPassword, but not sure
of the rest. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I need to change the local admin password on multiple computers on my
network. I know I can use Cusrmgr.exe to do it, but most of my network
computers have the firewall enabled. Anyone know how I can bypass this?
Would it work using a script instead? I found this online;
sNewPassword = "testpassword"
Set oWshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
sComputer = oWshNet.ComputerName
On Error Resume Next
Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & "/Administrator,user")
oUser.ChangePassword "old pwd here", sNewPassword
On Error Goto 0
Not quite sure what I would need to change in it. I know I would need to
change testpassword, ComputerName, old pwd here, sNewPassword, but not sure
of the rest. Any help will be greatly appreciated.