Hello -
I have seen various posts regarding this all over the Internet and on
Groups but they all seem to miss giving ALL the information necessary
so I am wondering what I am missing. Please, would one of you nice
knowledgable people please inform me.
I am trying to create a group of users using a CSV file. Here is an
example of my two line test file:
"Peters, Betty",user,DPeters,"CN=Peters\\,
Betty,CN=Users,DC=res,DC=ures,DC=com","Peters, Betty","CN=Mailbox
Store (UCEXCH),CN=First Storage
Groups,CN=US Company,CN=Microsoft
Betty",512,[email protected],"/O=U.S. Equities Realty,
After doing this I plan on using a batch file to do a dsmod to change
(create) the account's passwords, create the user's home directory,
xcacls to set the permissions on this, and do a rmtshare to create
their home share on the file server.
Ok, that said, I am having major issues with the CSVDE import. When I
run the import I get the following error.
C:\Software\Batch\MKUser>CSVDE -i -f test.csv
Connecting to "domain.ucres.com"
Logging in as current user using SSPI
Importing directory from file "test.csv"
Loading entries.
Add error on line 2: Unwilling To Perform
The server side error is "Access to the attribute is not permitted
because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager
0 entries modified successfully.
An error has occurred in the program
No log files were written. In order to generate a log file, please
specify the log file path via the -j option.
I have chosen the above route for creating users because:
1. My company is too cheap to purchase a 3rd party product.
2. DSAdd (as far as I have read) will not create mail or
mailbox-enabled users.
3. CSVDE formatting is easier to create over LDIFDE.
The posts I have seen on the web talk about creating a user and then
mail-enabling them, I would much rather do this in one fell swoop.
Any information you can provide to point me in the correct direction
would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen various posts regarding this all over the Internet and on
Groups but they all seem to miss giving ALL the information necessary
so I am wondering what I am missing. Please, would one of you nice
knowledgable people please inform me.
I am trying to create a group of users using a CSV file. Here is an
example of my two line test file:
"Peters, Betty",user,DPeters,"CN=Peters\\,
Betty,CN=Users,DC=res,DC=ures,DC=com","Peters, Betty","CN=Mailbox
Store (UCEXCH),CN=First Storage
Groups,CN=US Company,CN=Microsoft
Betty",512,[email protected],"/O=U.S. Equities Realty,
After doing this I plan on using a batch file to do a dsmod to change
(create) the account's passwords, create the user's home directory,
xcacls to set the permissions on this, and do a rmtshare to create
their home share on the file server.
Ok, that said, I am having major issues with the CSVDE import. When I
run the import I get the following error.
C:\Software\Batch\MKUser>CSVDE -i -f test.csv
Connecting to "domain.ucres.com"
Logging in as current user using SSPI
Importing directory from file "test.csv"
Loading entries.
Add error on line 2: Unwilling To Perform
The server side error is "Access to the attribute is not permitted
because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager
0 entries modified successfully.
An error has occurred in the program
No log files were written. In order to generate a log file, please
specify the log file path via the -j option.
I have chosen the above route for creating users because:
1. My company is too cheap to purchase a 3rd party product.
2. DSAdd (as far as I have read) will not create mail or
mailbox-enabled users.
3. CSVDE formatting is easier to create over LDIFDE.
The posts I have seen on the web talk about creating a user and then
mail-enabling them, I would much rather do this in one fell swoop.
Any information you can provide to point me in the correct direction
would be greatly appreciated.