Using Criteria for a Y or N response

  • Thread starter Thread starter TKorell
  • Start date Start date


I am using a large database and I want to have it give me only the Y
responses not the N responses for the labels. This might sound nuts but
there are 12 fields I want it to pick from
Like if FName has a Y in any of the fields I want that name but if they
don't I don't want the name. Could someone help me out?

SELECT Genmail.FNAME, Genmail.LNAME, Genmail.COMPANY,
Genmail.MailingAddress, Genmail.CITY, Genmail.STATE, Genmail.ZIP,
Genmail.[303(d) Update], Genmail.[Albion River], Genmail.Ammonia,
Genmail.Bacteria, Genmail.[Big River], Genmail.[Blue-Green Algae],
Genmail.[Butte Valley], Genmail.[Elk River], Genmail.[Estero Americano],
Genmail.[Freshwater Creek], Genmail.[Garcia River], Genmail.[Gualala River],
Genmail.[Jacoby Creek], Genmail.[Laguna de Santa Rosa], Genmail.[Lost River],
Genmail.[Mattole River], Genmail.[Navarro River], Genmail.[Noyo River],
Genmail.Nutrients, Genmail.[Pudding Creek], Genmail.[Redwood Creek],
Genmail.[Stemple Creek], Genmail.[Temperature/DO], Genmail.[Ten Mile River],
Genmail.[Van Duzen River]

FROM Genmail;
Not a good design. If you ever want to consider the Colorado River, you add
a 13rd field and change all your queries, forms, reports, ... to take into
account this new field?

Anyhow, assuming Y and N are, in fact, BOOLEAN fields (true and false), add
a WHERE clause

WHERE field1 OR field2 OR field3 OR ... OR field12

If your fields are strings instead of Boolean, then more typing involved:

WHERE field1="Y" OR field2="Y" OR ... OR field12="Y"

or, less typing:

WHERE "Y" IN( field1, field2, field3, ..., field12)

But in any cases, I would change the table design, if possible, to get
something more robust.

Vanderghast, Access MVP
I'll second Vanderghast's observation...

Your structure looks more like a spreadsheet than a relational database

Until you normalize your table, both you and Access will have to work
overtime to overcome the 'sheet data.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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