Using COUNTIF or SUMPRODUCT, or something else?!

Apr 10, 2008
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I've been scratching my head out this for ages and it's driving me nuts!

I want to return a numerical count based on a text criteria and range of dates. The result is to be displayed on a summary sheet and the data itself is on a different sheet.

In other words, I want to say, "return the sum of two ranges if, for exapmle, range 1 contains 'Option1' and range 2 matches 'A' on any given line" and so on for a number of options.


Input Data

Column A B
1 Option1 A
2 Option1 A
3 Option2 B
4 Option1 B
5 Option2 B
6 Option3 B
7 Option3 C
8 Option1 C


Column A B C D

1 Option1 2 1 1
2 Option2 0 2 0
3 Option3 0 1 3

I'm not sure if that is going to make any sence to anyone. Its taken me 45 mins to work out how to verbalise that and I'm not convinced I've cracked it!
Any advise anyone has would be great.


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